
The Intersection

Collection description: Emerging topics

The Intersection

Protecting the Amazon

Deforestation is threatening the survival of millions of species that make their home in the Amazon rainforest. Project Guacamaya is fighting to preserve the rainforest with AI by looking at daily pictures of Earth taken with satellites, observing animal behavior from within the rainforest with hidden cameras, and listening to forest sounds with tiny microphones. AI helps spot changes to monitor deforestation while identifying images and sounds, allowing scientists to protect biodiversity faster than ever before. Empowered by the AI for Good Lab, the future of the Amazon is changing for the better.

Discover more about bioacoustics in the Amazon

For Life on Earth

The rhythms of the rainforest

Hearing the Amazon’s call for conservation through bioacoustics


Finding answers 
with Trevor Noah

We’re on the cusp of discovering the benefits of AI and how it’s helping change the world for the better. Chief Questions Officer Trevor Noah explores how AI is truly helping people and the planet in The Prompt, a video series that gets inquisitive. From protecting vulnerable communities to detecting cancer and preserving rainforests, Trevor asks experts how these things are possible with AI on a global scale.


The day Nunavut went dark

An aerial view of Nunavut, Canada with many houses and industrial buildings in view.

An isolated community recovers in record time from a ransomware attack


What’s your AIQ at work?

Take the quiz to see how AI is changing the way we work.